Preservation Through History
Barton students learned about Texas History first hand at the Bob Bullock Museum. Students had the opportunity to explore the displays and ask questions about the history of our great state. Bobcats also learned about the measures our state leaders have taken to perserve the natural beauty, plants, animals and resources of our state. President Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson were only two leaders who understood the importance of preservation and conservation. Students learned first hand how each of us can make a difference in our world and how we each can find our greatness by being good stewards of our community. Students discovered that history teaches us how to safeguard our future and provides us with examples of what to do and also what not to do. Everyone came away with a new respect for learning from our past and a desire to investigate our local history to better understand and appreciate our communty.
Back at Barton students continued thier historical investigation of our state and our community with a new found excitement and appreciation. The trip to Bob Bullock museum was a springboard for class discussions and investigations into our own past. Now our school's namesake and early community leaders photos adorn our hallways and students, parents and teachers can all better appreciate the history of our area.