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Magellan Zero Waste Program




Outcomes of the of the Magellan Zero Waste Program

The school’s trash production dropped by approximately 10% during the 2012-2013 school-year, according to figures provided by the cleaning crew. This involved a 5% increase in compost and in single stream recyclables, respectively.

During the 2012-2013 school-year students collected and shipped approximately 75 pounds of upcycling material including: applesauce pouches, juices pouches, glue containers, chips bags, wrapping bars and plastic flip flops.

 [image] bars


The Zero Waste Program was officially launched in September 2012, to develop over 4 phases. The first 2 phases included sorting and diverting mixed paper, plastic and upcycling materials (through, and phases 3 and 4 incorporate composting and adopting a school-wide Eco-Code that includes waste sorting and disposal, purchasing and operations policies. The goals of this program are:

  • Reduce the amount of waste generated by the school that ends up in landfills, thus helping to reduce the school’s environmental impacts (carbon footprint) while potentially reducing operational costs and generating some income to fund green initiatives within the school.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to learn a new way to look at waste and understand its impacts.


People involved

Anderson Lane students, teachers, staff and cleaning crew, Magellan Green Coach, staff from Texas Disposal Systems and from Little Miss Recycle.

[image] cajas


[image] monty santi

Completed actions

Bins to collect and sort different types of waste were placed in classrooms and cafeteria

The Zero Waste Program was officially launched with a student assembly and staff meeting

Cleaning crew started collecting daily waste information

5th grade students conducted a waste audit

Glue sticks and snack wrappers are collected and sent to Terracycle for upcycling

During an e-waste drive parents brought their e-waste to be recycled, for free, by one of our partners, Little Miss Recycle.

Right before Christmas break, 4th grade students launched a campaign to collect empty scotch tape cores and dispensers to be upcycled through Terracycle, to support renewable energy projects in the United States.

Waste materials are used in art class

Parents held a uniform swap

Our food service provider, Patricia’s Lunchbox, shifted from disposable to reusable plastic trays and cups, and metal utensils.

Our waste management contractor picks up our compost and uses it to create gardening products



[image] first friday


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