Recycle Bowl
Ascension Catholic School participated in the Keep America Beautiful recycling competition from October 9, 2012-November 9, 2012. This is a fun, friendly, and free competiton for K-12 schools to promote recycling. This is an excellent way for teachers, student green teams and facility managers to engage their school communtiy in a fun a friendly way. We competed against other schools in our state and nationwide to see who recycles the most. First we registered at and found plenty of resources available to help us get started. Next we downloaded the Recycle-Bowl Logo and posters to include on our bulletin boards and post on walls throughout the school. We tracked and reported how much material our students collected during the four week competition time frame. One school in each state (and DC) that collects the most recyclable material per capita will win $1,000. A national champion is then choosen from the top statewide winners to recieve a grand prize of $2,500.
Although we did not win the competition our students did a fantastic job of recycling.
Our results:
Paper 3,400 lbs
Plastic 252 lbs
Cardboard 3,000 lbs
Plastic bags 4,752 70lbs
2nd grade bringing water bottles from classroom to recycle bin
VPK recycling paper
VPK recycling plastic shopping bags