Earth Week at Willis Lane
Our 2nd annual Earth Week at Willis Lane included the kick off of our new "We Can Recycle" program, which makes recycling at lunch time easier for all students. Students were encouraged to put all their lunch recyclables in a can at the center of their lunch table, then one student was responsible for taking those items to the recycling bins in the cafeteria. The program was quickly embraced by the students and it was noted that students considered it an honor to be the one to take the recycling to the bins each day.
The week also highlighted our recycling programs for hard-to-recycle items such as drink pouches, glue sticks, and batteries and we held an electronic waste recycling day which brought in hundreds of pounds of e-waste including computer monitors, tvs, printers, and batteries. A local company called DFW Reclaimers collected the items for free.
We ended the week by all wearing green and planting a tree, which was purchased using the income from recycling drink pouches and glue sticks though a company called Terracycle which specializes in hard to recycle waste. The following is the flyer we sent to our parents and staff about the week: