Project Title: HalloGreen
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                                                                       HalloGreen crafts out of trash


Ms. Cassidy and Ms. Potomski had lots of fun helping their 3rd grade students make haunted houses out of cardboard boxes. This was a fun and economical way to get ready for Halloween. Not only is the material easily available, several lesson were incorporated into this fun activity. The importance of recycling was discussed and over a two week period th students were encouraged to bring in all kinds of cardboard boxes from home. The students measured the height and width of boxes and finish haunted houses and then graphed the class results. This activity was used as a stepping stone to teach graphing for their up coming science fair project.

The Students had the option of writing a narrative or descriptive essay incorporating the haunted house as the setting of their essay.


                                                                Boxes-tissue, cereall, shoe, shipping, snack

                                                                                          milk cartons

                                                                                    paper towel tubes


                                                                                        spider's web

                                                                                   black spray paint

                                                                                       caution tape

                                                                        neon colored Halloween stickers


Standards used for this lesson:


SC.A. the physical properties of matter using measurments that incorporate tools such as ruler, thermometers, and balances.


SC.B. sources as renewable or non-renewable


LA.B.2.2.5.-Student creates narrative in which ideas, details, and events are logical order and are relevant to the story line.


[image] houses


[image] houses 2






[image] hallway

                                                    Projects are on display for all to see

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