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2013 Fall/Winter Vegetable Garden


Once our summer vegetable plants had run their courses, we decided to prepare for the fall garden. Our pepper plants, tomatoes, and pumpkin vines were left alone because they were still yielding food. All the cucumber, okra, strawberry and cantaloupe plants were pulled and thrown in the compost barrel. The diseased plants were placed in the trash.

For our fall garden, we decided to plant a variety of lettuces, cabbages, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and collard greens. We did some companion planting and planted oregano in with our peppers and chives in with the lettuce, collard greens, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

Our tomato plants were cut back, and we hope to get more tomatoes soon.


Fall Garden Oct. 7th

Pulling up the watermelon vine to get ready for our fall garden

[image] pulling old


Some of our new vegetables

Romaine Lettuce

[image] broccoli     [image] lettuce 2

Giving our lettuce milk collected at lunch

[image] lettuce milk

Our first lettuce harvest

 [image] lettuce 3


[image] cabbage       [image] cabbage


Giving our cabbage milk collected at lunch.  

[image] milk


Broccoli                                                      Cauliflower

[image] broccoli 2     [image] cauliflower


Brussel Sprouts

[image] greens



Students worked to keep our vegetables covered in preparation for freezing temperature throughout December and January. The daily and nightly temperatures were tracked to make sure we covered the beds during freezing weather.

 [image] covering



Cabbages seem to be pulling through, but the weight of the frozen plankets were weighing them down.

 [image] cabbages


 In late January, we built a wooden frame on each bed to keep the plankets off the taller plants and not crush them.

 [image] frames


Plankets were draped over the structure and clipped to the frame. The sides were held down with bricks. It looked like we were camping in our garden.

 [image] janfeb covering


Our cabbages enjoyed the planket protection and are looking great now in mid February.

[image] cab bed       [image] 1 cab


February 19th

We harvested some of our collard greens, and Coach Ochoa took them home to prepare for students to taste. The students thoroughly enjoyed them.

[image] harvest       [image] coach



 And so did the teachers.....


[image] sus



[image] lin



                                                    YUM!  YUM!   YUM!!!!










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