CHES Greenprint 2013-2014
Cornerstone: Eco-Campus (Recycle/Waste)
1. The name of our project is Battery Brigade.
2. The purpose of our project is responsible/proper disposal of batteries at Carpenter Hill Elementary.
3. All teachers/staff and the Environmental Committee will be involved in the project.
4. We will record the project with photos and also record the weight of the batteries each time we dispose of them.
5. No budget is needed for this project.
6. This project starts in October 2013 and ends in June 2014.
Cornerstone: Eco-Campus (Recycle/Waste)
1. The name of our project is Just Say No to Plastic Bags.
2. The purpose of our project is to collect plastic shopping bags for recycling and encourage the use of reusable bags.
3. All 635 CHES students, parents and teachers/staff are invited to participate.
4. We will record the project with photos.
5. No budget is needed for this project.
6. This project will start November 11, 2013 and end on November 15, 2013. This is one of our America Reycles Day activities.
Cornerstone: Eco-Campus (Recycle/Waste)
1. The name of our project is CHES PTA Recycled Art Contest.
2. The purpose of our project is to create awareness about how much garbage we create and how we might reuse materials in creative and artistic ways.
3. All 635 students and their families are invited to participate.
4. We will record the project with photos.
5. A budget of $50 is provided by the PTA Environmental Committee.
6. This project will start on November 11, 2013 and end on November 15, 2014. This is one of our America Recycles Day activities.
Cornerstone: Health and Fitness (Nutrition and Healthy Eating)
1. The name of our project is Go, Slow, Whoa.
2. The purpose of our project is to provide a real world application for what students are learning through CATCH Nutrition program in PE. Visuals allow kids to make better food choices in the cafeteria.
3. All 635 students will be involved.
4. The project will be recorded with photos.
5. There is no budget at this time. Visuals are already printed.
6. This project starts September 19, 2013 and ends June 4, 2014 and hopefully beyond.
Cornerstone: Health and Fitness (Nutrition and Healthy Eating)
1. The name of our project is The First Grade Seed to Table Vegetable Gardens.
2. The purpose of our project is to introduce a variety of vegetables to the first grade students and also show them how easy it is to grow their own vegetables. Our goal is that they will be more willing to try new vegetables and also encourage parents to plant a vegetable garden at home. A Root Vue Garden is also placed in the the first grade hallway containing radish seeds to show not only what happens above the dirt, but also below the dirt during the growing process.
3. All 86 first grade students are invited to participate at recess under the direction of the Environmental Committee, but participation is voluntary. Around 40 students particpated in seed planting. We will invite all to participate in harvesting and tasting of the vegetables.
4. The project will be recorded with photos and possibly video.
5. A budget of $40 is provided by the PTA Envrionmental Committee.
6. This project started with seed planting on October 10, 2013 and will end when all vegetbles stop producing.
Cornerstone: Natural Classrooms (Nature Curricula)
1. The name of our project is Lifecycle of a Ladybug, Helper of the Garden.
2. The purpose of the project is to learn the lifecycle of the ladybug.
3. All 117 third graders will be involved in the project.
4. The project will be recorded with photos and video.
5. There is a budget of appoximately $60 provided by science funds.
6. The project starts March 17, 2014 and ends March 28, 2014.
Cornerstone: Natural Classrooms (Stewardship)
1. The name of our project is Rain Harvesting at CHES, Every Drop Counts.
2. The purpose of the project is to educate students about how rain harvesting conserves water and how it is particularly used at Carpenter Hill Elementary.
3. This rain harvester talk will be available to all 86 first graders and all 96 second graders. The first and second grade teachers can elect their class to participate if they choose.
4. The project will be recorded with photos and video.
5. No budget is needed.
6. The project will be available in the Spring of 2014.
Cornerstone: Nature Adventure (Exploration and Play)
1. The name of our project is Touch and Smell Kinder-Garden.
2. The purpose of our project is to encourage students to experience nature through touch and smell.
3. All 97 Kindergarten students are invited to participate in planting, but participation will be voluntary. All 635 CHES students will be encouraged to touch and smell the herbs/plants during outdoor recess and spend time in the garden area.
4. The project will be recorded with photos and possibly video.
5. There is a budget of $50 and will be funded through the PTA Envrionmental Committee.
6. The project will begin in the Spring of 2014 and end the last day of school, June 2014.