Real School Garden Grant Design and Dine
We applied for a Real School Garden grant in 2013 to extend and add to the garden we already have. We will also receive professional development and support for our teachers to learn how they can use the garden as an outdoor classroom. We are the thankful recipients of the 3 year grant that will not only extend our garden, but Real School Gardens also commits to the following:
*lead an after school Design and Dine gathering for teachers, parents and students to gather ideas
*Provide funding for the installation of a Real School garden
*provide a full day on-site Professional Development after the garden is installed
*provide a minimum of 3 full day, on-site Teacher-to-Teacher model training visits during year 2, and again during year 3 of the partnership
*provide a capstone training at the end of the third year partnership
*provide 3 Garden Coordinator trainings during each year of the partnership
*provide seasonal seeds and transplants 3 times a year during each year of the partnership
*provide an annual stipend for the Garden Coordinator ($500.00 in 2013-2014)
*host a landing page for our school on their website
*consult with our school as needed
Before we met with the Real School Garden leaders, we asked our students to help with ideas to design our additional garden area. Students were asked to create, design and share their ideas. This activity is explained in more detail in the activity "How Will Our Garden Grow?"
On November 5, 2013, Real School Gardens leaders met at our school with teachers, parents and students and held the Design and Dine meeting. Students presented their ideas, and teachers shared ideas.
Map of our garden now:
Our ideas were taken and a design for our garden was completed. It was presented to our garden team on Monday, February 24th.
First draft of proposed garden
We reviewed the design and decided we would like to add a sun dial and 3 compost bins.
Second draft
Ideas were discussed for student made art work to decorate the garden. Some of the activities will be done ahead of time and installed that day. Other art activities will be done on installation day. Teachers were assigned with the task of gathering team members and planning out their responsibilities for the installation day on May 3rd. Check out our installation day in the activity Real School Gardens Big Dig Day activity. It is coming soon,