Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Team Name: The Fitness Fishers
Objective: The objective of the game is to keep your character filled with energy by eating healthy and staying away from bad food. It is important not to eat too much at once as well. The movement of your character burns energy and shows kids that eating healthy and exercising is crucial in life.
Audience: Ages 6 and up
Team Members: Hunter, Nathan, and Cameron
The Story: A young child is trying to be a better athlete, but so many unhealthy choices are available. He must face endless waves of fries in order to stay fit. While he is on his journey, he will have to eat apples in order to stay healthy and fit. The temptation to eat the fries is great, but he is strong and tries to resist. He must also not eat too much at once. He must sustain energy throughout the level to become more athletic and complete the task. If he eats too much, he will use all of his energy and fail the task.
Health Lesson: The lesson behind this game is to teach kids to eat healthy and stay away from junk food. It shows kids to stay away from the temptation of unhealthy food. It shows kids to eat enough food for them to have energy and be healthy, but to not eat too much.
The hero is running away from evil fries and towards healthy foods.
The hero is using his athleticism to escape hurtful blocks.