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B.E.A.N.S. Healthy Servings and Portions


[image] Title      [image] students

On February 19, 2014, two students from UT Southwestern Medical School came to share information with our 4th and 5th graders about serving sizes and portions.


 They would learn the following:

[image] learn

The presentation was interactive. Students were able to show their knowledge and beliefs about healthy habits, serving sizes and portions by using clickers.


[image] ser size

[image] serpor



They learned the correct serving size for cooked pasta and grains as well as other grains.

[image] pasta     [image] cd


Before the lesson question

Answer: a handful

[image] fruitveg     [image] meat



Before the lesson

Answer is a fist.

[image] small      




Blue bar indicates knowledge before the lesson. Red bar is after the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, 85% knew what a serving size is.

[image] ba


22% said they didn't need to estimate servings because they were not overweight. This brought on another discussion about weight and being healthy. Being slender or just the right weight does not necessarily mean you are healthy. You still need to monitor what you eat and how much you eat. Not all overweight people are necessarily unhealthy. There are numerous factors to consider. An interesting presentation that spurred new thinking.

[image] will you      [image] kids









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