Project Title: Healthivores
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Carbs Conqueror










The Story: The player is placed in a virtual world full of good and bad. Good, meaning the apples and crates of fruit, which help you gain energy. Bad, meaning the enemies, increasing by the level. Each level, the player becomes faster and stronger by eating apples and fruit. He does this by fighting off the enemies (which are the bad carbohydrates) and focusing on the good carbohydrates (apples). The enemies become stronger as the player gains energy.  The player is on a mission for each level, for example in level 7 you must collect all the coins top to bottom. The enemies play a major role in this game. At the end of the game, which is a series of 9 levels, 9 is the most difficult and you have the most speed out of all the levels.

 [image] Visual-Lesson

Objective: The overall objective of our game is to teach about different types of carbs and how they can affect us in both good and bad ways. Each level there is an apple you have to eat/collect, and every time you eat an apple you gain good energy required for the next level. Apples will help you move faster throughout the next levels.

Audience: Middle School and Up




Team Members: Kassandra , Giselle, and Bella

Health Lesson: The health lesson involved with this game is learning about the energy that carbohydrates store. There is also crates of fruit and other fruits through the game that can help balance out with your regular food choices. You should NOT cut out ALL bad carbs – {sugary cereals, jams, salad dressings, pizza, etc.}. Instead of cutting out all of them it is better to have a select amount. This is the same for good carbs – {whole grains, whole fruits, green vegetables, etc.}. Carbohydrates are one of the food groups and should not be cut out of your diet completely.


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