Dr.Bone Fixer
The Story: You are a doctor waiting for all your patients to arrive. As you walk out of your office you see a room full of people. You go through your list of patients and notice that they have all broken their bones in different ways. Some have a normal fracture, but some have viruses that have entered the bone. Now it is not as easy to heal, you have to give the patient medicine to stop all of the viruses. Finish the day with all of your patients bones healed.
Objective: The objective of this game is to heal all of you patient’s bones while collecting calcium and avoiding or killing all of the viruses.
Lesson of the game: The lesson of the game is to learn about all the different types of fractures, what to do so it can heal faster and what is going on inside your bone while healing. You are taught that while you are waiting for your bone to heal your insides are rapidly woking on the inside. Calcium, in this game, is represented as pionts that bring you one step closer to your "goal" and is very necessary for the prosess of healing the bone.
The following images are some examples of bone fractures:
Audience: 9 and up
Team members: Karen, Sara