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Touch and Smell "Kinder-Garden"


                                     [image] sign


All 97 kindergarten students were invited, by the PTA Environmental Committee, to create a Touch and Smell Garden during recess.  We wanted to create an area on our playground where all students were encouraged to touch the plants.  Little did they know that certain scents like peppermint and rosemary can stimulate learning by promoting focus.  Experiencing nature through touch, like feeling the softness of a lamb's ear plant, can create calm.  The plants that we chose for our Touch and Smell "Kinder-Garden" were lamb's ear, rosemary, sweet mint, chocolate mint, pineapple sage, fennel, basil and oregano.


   [image] lambs ear   [image] planting


We also planted a flower garden.  This created more jobs for our little gardeners.  We had 30-40 children working on the gardens at some point of their recess.  For each garden, we had a different student remove the plant from the container, dig the hole for the plant, place the plant in the hole and cover it with dirt, water the plant and then place the marker near the plant for identification.  The students worked very well together and everyone got to play an important role in the creation of the gardens.  This activity was directed by four Environmental Members and kindergarten teacher, Mr. Mika.  This project cost $50, which was provided by the PTA Environmental Committee and some plants were provided by Mr. Mika and his students.


[image] Wendy   [image] flower garden


This garden project also took place while covering the plant TEKS in science class.  All the kids loved this lesson, according to kindergarten teacher, Mr. Mika.  "It was a very hands-on activity that allowed kids to plant, grow and take care of a garden," said Mr. Mika.  Today, many students, including upper grade levels, stop by the garden to touch and smell the plants.  This was a huge hit with the kindergarten class!


  [image] garden 1   [image] garden complete





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