Project Title: Recycled Art Contest
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CHE Recycled Art Contest


        [image] poster               [image] drop off


In celebration of America Recycles Day 2013, the Carpenter Hill PTA Environmental Committee held a Recycled Art Contest open to all 636 students and their families.  The purpose was to create awareness about how much garbage we create and how we might reuse materials in creative and artistic ways.  The rules and entry form were made available on our PTA Website and the contest was promoted through posters, morning announcements and teacher emails.  Three Environmental Members collected entries for grades K-2 downstairs, and three members collected entries upstairs for grades 3-5.  This was the first year we had two collection sites and it ran much smoother.  Entries were collected at one morning drop-off and we also allowed entries to be dropped off right after school until 3:00 p.m.


            [image] collection room


All entries were brought to the upstairs collection room and organized by grade level.  This was also our judging room.  At 3:00 p.m. that day, judging began.  Our judging panel consisted of our art teacher, our third grade Green Team Leader, and one of our PTA Environmental Members.  We also had in place an alternate judge and a tie breaker judge just in case.  First and second place medals were awarded in each class level.  A ribbon was awarded to the best family entry.  All students that entered received a certificate.  This year we had 54 entries.  Each year we get more participants.


  [image] give a hoot   [image] guitar   [image] can family


  [image] Wofie      [image] Wofie 1


    [image] snake   [image] 4th table


After judging took place, all entries were brought to the stage in the cafeteria to be displayed.  Each entry had a place card identifying the artist, grade, teacher and title of the piece of art.  All entries were organized by grade level and then there was a section for family entries.  Winners were announced during morning announcements the next day. Winners were awarded their medals and photos were taken.



                 [image] winners


This is an activity we look forward to each year.  Our students are super creative. Since we awarded medals this year, we were able to award more students since the medals are low-cost.  Certificates for every entry, six first place medals, six second place medals(and the green neck ribbons) and the family ribbon cost under $40 total.  This activity continues to be a huge success at Carpenter Hill Elementary each year.









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