Project Title: Rainforest Lesson
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Rainforest Study


Every year we have High Touch scientists come to our school to do a lesson/hands on experiment with our 3rd graders (about 130 students). The lesson that we choose is usually an extension of content we have already taught, specifically the rainforest. The scientists discuss rainforest animals and had the students create a mini rainforest, focusing on the different layers and the importance of each layer. It is a great lesson to teach the kids how important our rainforests are and what we can do to help them thrive. It is an excellent lesson that teaches the importance of an eco-friendly lifestyle.


3.10(A) - explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow them to survive in a particular environment.[3.10A]

3.9(A) - observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem.[3.9A]

3.7(D) - explore the characteristics of natural resources that make them useful in products and materials such as clothing and furniture and how resources may be conserved.[3.7D]

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