Trash Bash
Trash Bash 2014
On Saturday, April 26, 2014, the City of Melbourne held a Keep Brevard Beautiful Trash Bash. Ascension Catholic School (ACS) was many of the local schools that participated in this wonderful event. Over thirty ACS teachers and students were among the 50 volunteers at our location.
The City of Melbourne provides all the materials necessary to make this event happen. Safety vest, t-shirts, trash grippers, gloves, sunscreen, clipboards, pens, trash bags and flyers announcing the event to post around our school. They also provide apples, bananas, granola bars, and bottled water. Donuts were donated by Love Bugs Donuts and breakfast burritos were provided by Sonic. The volunteers helped pick up trash in a one mile area around our school. We collected 19 bags of trash in 3 hours. Each participate recieved a t-shirt from the City of Melbourne.
This years theme is We Fight Dirty. Rewards of participating in a program like this include: making a difference in the community, connecting with others, good for the mind and body, brings fun and fullfillment to your life, and helping the environment.
It was a hot day, but the volunteers in the City of Melbourne did a fantastic job! With 513 volunteers working at 100 sites across Brevard, we were able to collect 9,565 pounds of litter in just a few hours.
Local Girl Scout troop
Sign up
A few ACS teachers and students