Project Title: Fitness Gram
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Fitnessgram 2015-16


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Students in grades 3-5 at Justin Elementary participate in a fitness test in the spring of each school year.  The fitness tests include the pacer, curl up, trunk lift, push up, and sit ups.


In 2014, our PE teacher was not satisfied with the student's results and knew our students could increase the fitness levels.  This school year, she started early with teaching students things they could do at home to help stretch and build their muscles.  She challenged them to do sit ups and push ups during TV commercials or before getting dresssed in the morning.  From the pre-test Fitnessgram in October 2015, the students set goals.  The PE teacher kept challenging the students about how many more push ups they would need to complete to reach the next goal.  

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This practice-goal setting cycle had a positive impact on student achievement of the fitness goals for 2016. 

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