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Technology can help


Technology can help in many ways like being healthy, helping in school, and other ways. Our first level is being healthy. What you need to do is go run around getting all of the sprites and killing the enimys for exersize. You also have to get the basket of healthy food so you will be healthy. There are coaches in level help by giving instuctions on what you need to do.

Level two is technology helping at work. The goal is to get all the sprites that are hard to get and keep away from the evil co workers. you have to get every sprite to beable to complete the level. The evel co workers want to try to kill you and they are all on the bottom, so if you fall then you die. You have to try to stay on the platforms at first but then you have to go to twoo other things that have alot of sprites. 

Our last level is all aboout school. You have to get all of your papers(sprites) that you lost online. But there are evil online creeps that want to try to kill you and make sure that you cant get the papers. The game is kind of set up like a little maze. Since your paper went missing they are going to be late, so you also have to colect all of the apples. By doing all of this you can get your paper in.



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