Kramer STEM Night 11/20/2014
Students and families attended STEM Night at our school on November 20, 2014. They were immediately greeted by a plane in the front entrance! Volunteers from the Frontiers of Flight Museum could be found all around our building, sharing information about the science, technology, engineering and mathematics behind planes and flying. In our cafeteria, families could get on a flight simulator and try out their piloting skills.
A group of scientists from Franklin Middle School, many of them former Kramer students, did hands-on experiments with our students.
They also brought their pet snake, Slippy to meet our students and parents.
The robotics team from Hillcrest High School was also in attendance and gave students an introduction to robots. Kramer students were very excited to be able to make these wonderful machines come to life.
At the end of the evening, the winners of our STEM Science Fair were announced.
Alastair Midence won the K-2 competition Brady Gibson won the 3rd-5th grade competition with his
with his experiment "Newton's Third Law experiment "Crash Test Dummies"
of Motion".
Brady will be taking his experiment to the DISD STEM Day Science Fair competition in January.