Monarch Waystation
Our butterfly garden has been designated as Monarch Waystation #8627. We will be posting this sign in our garden in early spring.
We planted our butterfly garden 3 years ago around our persimmon tree and have added new plants each year. Every year it looks prettier and prettier and more delicious to all butterflies, especially Monarchs.
The butterfly plants that we have planted in our garden are Buddleia, lantana, iridescent verbena, phlox, milkweed, salvia, passion flower, larkspur and fennel. We added a wall of canas for added foliage and color.
Passion Flower
Coneflowers and Black-eyed Susans
We harvest dead flowers and keep the seeds to spread for new plants around our garden.
Students look forward to spring and the arrival of butterflies and hummingbirds. We have managed to be fast enough to take pictures of the visiting Monarchs, but not fast enough for the super FAST hummingbirds.