Asthma Attack
Story: You are an inhaler and an obese person keeps eating junk food like French fries. You must get rid of them and cure the patient. As you move on the French fries get removed and more healthy foods like apples and bananas start to appear. Soon the subject is cured and the job is done.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy all the French fries and gain apples, bananas and corn.
AUDIENCE: For all people from 8-13
Team Members: Srikar and Osiel
Health Lesson: Eat good foods like apples and exercise so you don’t get an asthma attack like this guy did. When you eat junky foods like french fries and chips,if you have bad enough asthma, you will wheeze as I learned personally.You want to eat healthy to not get an attack.Oily foods are bad for you and more than likely will get an attack if you eat a lot of it. If you eat junky foods 3 times a week, you may be more likely to get asthma and it will be more severe. The best foods that help you is apples.Like the old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away.A British study found that even after controlling for other factors, people who reported eating two to five apples a week had a 32% lower risk of asthma than people who ate less.A compound inside the apple, khellin, may help open up airways.The next best is cantalope. it contains Vitamin C that really helps.An intresting one is coffee. People say cafffeine is bad for you. It is, but it helps your airflow in your lungs.Fast foods are one of the worst for your lungs.This includes french fries, bagged chips, cheeze sticks and other fried foods.Exercise is also very good as demonstated in level exercise.In the old days people came home then ate stuff like a sandwich and apples. Now people come home drink coke then eat cookies or cake then sit in front of a TV the whole day.In this age people are more obese. So they sit at home not exercising and become more fat and eventually get asthma from that.Exercise helps to stretch the lungs and bronchial tubes, which in turn may help reduce the resistance to breathing. Even though the bronchial tubes become inflamed (as occurs in asthma), the positive effects of exercise may help prevent symptoms.