Dragon Families Activity
March 31, 2015
Ceasar Chavez Day of Community Service
12:45pm: 8th Graders to K to pick up their K buddy, 7th graders to 1st grade to pick up their 1st grade family member and meet on the blacktop.
12:50pm: All school quick assembly. Debbie to comment on Ceasar Chavez and purpose of community service
12:55-1:15pm: Community Service to school
Clean-up, organize, and pick-up area where your families are assigned.
If your area has rakes, brooms, or other supplies when you arrive, please leave them where you found them, they will be picked up and put away for you.
Classroom |
Families |
Area |
Howell |
1, 2 |
Kinder/1st Grade and “Kinder garden” area |
Pappas |
3, 4 |
Drop off/car line area |
Beerman |
5, 6 |
Lower playground |
Mayer |
7, 8 |
In/Around Rooms 301-304 |
Rutland |
9, 10 |
Big grass area |
Dragonette |
11, 12 |
Garden |
Ainsworth |
13, 14 |
Lunch area, blacktop, and sweeping dirt into play area |
Trujillo |
15, 16 |
Behind MS classrooms |
Farris |
17, 18 |
Behind the kitchen, music and bathroom |
Denicia |
19, 20 |
Garden and 1 Family Video Taping the event on the iPads |
1:15pm: Release students back to class. Please have 8th grade escort K, and 7th escort 1st grade back to class.