Project Title: Be Rich 5K
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Be Rich 5K


[image] Track

Be Rich! 5K Fun Run/Walk


NYS Health and Physical Education and Family and Consumer Sciences Learning Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness: Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness,
participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health. 


Project Goal: Schuylerville Central School District’s students,
families, staff and community members participated in a 5K fun run/walk in
honor of former night custodian, Rich Eglin. The purpose of this activity was to
encourage physical activity and to remember a vital member of our community who
remains a source of inspiration for the Schuylerville GRS Project. (Mr. Eglin
actively supported recycling and reducing waste, and donations will be accepted
at the event to help fund the installation of water-bottle filling stations in
the schools, promoting the use of reuseable water bottles. This ties the event
to Mr. Eglin’s legacy, and to America Recycles Day, happening the day after.)

  1. Who’s Involved: The Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Team and
    members of the SCS District (students, parents, teachers, administration, and community
    members) were be involved.  Over 44 families participated bringing almost 100 members of our community out in support of the Eglin family and our desire to honor his memory.
  2. Recording Documentation: The event was documented with
    photographs. (Please note: all of GRS activities are also posted on the
    Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Facebook Page.)
  3. Budget: The budget for this challenge is $150 for promotional materials and prizes for
    participation.  This event raised over $906.  The monies were used to purchase a water bottle filling station in memory of Rich Eglin.
  4. Dates:  The Be Rich! 5k Fun Run/Walk took place on November 14, 2014 in advance of
    America Recycles Day on Saturday, November 15, 2014.
  • Planning Checklist:
  • *  Set date, time, location and budget
  • *  Reserve space
  • *  Publicize Event = Post on FB, send e-mail to mailing list and faculty & staff and send out a Flyer (See below)





BeRich! 5K Fun Run/Walk

This is a non-competitive, fun community event. 

We will not be keeping track of distance.


Honor the memory

of former night custodian

Rich Eglin by participating in the

“BeRich! 5K Fun Run/Walk”

Friday, November 14th

Under the lights

at the school track

Time: 6 – 7pm


Voluntary donations from that evening will match a donation made to Green Ribbon Schools by Rich’s wife, Angela Meislin and his twin boys, Caleb and Dale Eglin.

We are keeping Rich’s spirit alive through the purchase of new water stations at all the school buildings

which will allow users to refill water bottles.

Rich believed in reducing, reusing, recycling and riddles – everyone who comes to the 5K

can learn about how to “BeRich!”




*  Have water filling station, first-aid kit, music & A/V set, collection jar, sign-in sheet

*  Have fun!!!





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