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To Get to Know Each Other


Our leadership philosophy stems from the verse in the Holy Qur’an “O mankind we created from male and female and made you into tribes and nations so you get to know each other”. 

Every year and for the past five years our students join the adults in the interfaith walk which happens around September 11.

They walk from the school to a Jewish Temple and then to a church.  All while making friendship beads, talking, clarify misconceptions about Islam, and promoting peace.  This exercise has helped the students cultivate the leader in them. After the event they engage in discussions about different faiths and how it is important for people to coexist with principles of respect, caring, fairness, responsibility, trustworthiness, and good citizenship.  High school students participate in anti bullying assemblies with public school students. They go alongside the adults from other faiths. Our students are the only youth in the anti bullying assembly program.

The students develop valuable teambuilding, cultural sensitivity, and self confidence skills.

This exercise fits well with the religion class unit on religious diversity as well as the leadership unit. English, math, and history teachers relate this activity to their classes and give meaningful assignments.

This event creates a solid bond between members of the different communities and faiths.


The students, faculty, and parents make lasting friendships and we all look forward to seeing each other the next event or the next year.




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