Project Title: EARTH DAY SYVCS
Earth Day SYVCS
Santa Ynez Valley Charter School's 2015 Earth Day Celebration was an all school event in the garden. The Earth Day Celebration began by organizing students in their Dragon Families, 20 groups of students K-8 used for civic engagement, and community-building events. Each Dragon Family attended a garden assembly, with recognition of Earth Day, a keynote speaker, and awards.
Following the assembly, each Dragon Family worked for 45 minutes on a project in the garden, under the supervision of an adult teacher, parent, community member or AmeriCorps Volunteer. The jobs ranged from harvesting fruits and vegetables, creating garden art, working at the creation station, building scarecrows, weeding and maintaining areas of the garden, to making smoothies on the bike blender.
The event was hosted by Santa Ynez Valley Charter School, with partner organizations Explore Ecology, the Santa Ynez Valley Botanical Garden, AmeriCorps, and the Santa Barbara County Office of Education attending as volunteers, guest speakers and adult participants.
Following the garden event, all students came back together for closing remarks. With 215 people in attendance, a total of 161 hours of creation and maintenance was performed on the SYVCS garden on Earth Day 2015!
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