Project Title: Water Conservation
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Water Conservation


The Willis Lane Elementary students set out to solve the problem of water waste this past November. They teamed up with parent volunteers, WLES staff, and Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension-Dallas (TAMU) to make water-saving changes in the Willis Lane Outdoor Learning Facilitly garden. Students and parents received on-site training on converting sprinkler systems to drip irrigation, then converted our system to 90% efficient drip.

[image] drip line 1

[image] drip line 2

The TAMU team also guided parents through the installation of our 300 gallon Rainwater Harvesting tank/system. Students are now able to water our Texas native plants with rainwater from the tank.

[image] rwh

More details...

-We wanted to reduce our reliance on sprinkler system and reduce water waste.

-We met with people from Texas A&M’s Urban Water program to ask for help.

-We came up with a plan to conserve water by converting our sprinklers to drip and installing a rainwater harvesting tank.

-The tank holds 300 gallons of rainwater. If it rains 1 inch, we have the potential to collect over 600 gallons of rainwater.

-We can use our rainwater to add moisture to compost and to water plants

-Our drip irrigation system was installed the same day as our rainwater tank.

-Parents and students worked together to dig up regular sprinkler heads and replace them with pressure regulated drip sprinkler heads.

-Our drip system is 90% efficient with water dripping out in gallons per hour.

-Regular sprinklers are only 65% efficient with water spraying out in gallons per minute.

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