Project Title: Panther-Pathing
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“Panther-Pathing” Treasure Hunt

Let’ go on a treasure hunt! This is our version of Geocaching. Playing is optional!


Before beginning, have your class choose a good hiding spot and write clues for the next class to use to find the treasure. Also, create a treasure(s) that will fit in a ________ container.

As a class, use the attached map and clues to find the treasure. Once the treasure is found, take the contents out and replace with a new treasure(s) for the next class. Sign the log and move the box to the next location (your choice) for the next class to find. Once the treasure has been found, place a pin on the treasure map that will be displayed in the front hall. Email and tag the next class with the clues and map.



Appropriate treasures – Class sets of anything, no food, no money, must be able to fit in a _______ container.

Hiding spots should be outdoors, on campus, close to the ground, and in a safe location that kids are able to access (do NOT hide on the playground).

Before you begin hunting, you should already have a plan in place (including clues for the next destination) and items to replace the ones your class takes out of the box.

Treasure should be placed in the new location immediately and clues emailed to the next class you are tagging.


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