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Annual Pumpkin Compost Drive and Garden Creation


Composting pumpkins at Bryker Woods Elementary has been a tradition for the past 8 years.  This year we worked to expand the drive to surrounding neighborhoods.  A mass posting went out using the Nextdoor App to the 6 neighborhoods that feed into Bryker Woods Elementary.  Signs shown in the picture below by Austin Yard Cards were displayed for traffic passing by the school that were invited to Compost Bin.  This bin typically fills 1600 pounds of compost a month.  For the month of November, 2800 pounds of compost was collected.  This accounts for almost 1200 pounds of pumpkins composted in the bin.  

Additionally, 4 second grade classrooms were encouraged to compost in the prepared garden to create soil for an additional butterfly garden (8th garden to date).  Girl Scouts Troop 93 took over the garden project this year for their Bronze Award.  The girls tilled, removed weeds, and planted butterly weed, yellow bell seeds, milkweed seeds and bluebonnet seeds.  All seeds were from existing gardens on campus.  

Austin Yard Card Signs 

 [image] Yard Card

 Nextdoor App Post

Got Pumpkins?


Go Green this HALLOWEEN

Compost Your Pumpkin!


Carving a Pumpkin is a time-honored tradition.

But what happens to those spooky gourds come November 1st?


This year, instead of tossing Jack in the trash, 

turn him into something useful!  Compost!


Bryker Woods Elementary 

Annual Pumpkin Compost Drive

Sun, Nov 1st – Tues, Nov 3rd, 2015


3309 Kerbey Lane 


The compost bin is located on 34th Street, 

towards the back of the school building, 


Remove all candles, aluminum, etc from Jack before placing in the bin.  

If it was never living, it cannot be composted!


      THANK YOU for participating!


Compost Garden

[image] Compost Garden

Future Butterfly Garden (Last year's below)

 [image] monarch butterfly

New Garden Ready for Planting in late Spring.  Girl Scouts Troop 93 removed pumpkin vines and weeds in garden and planted 3 Butterfly Weed / Asclepius as well as Yellow Bell Seeds / Columbine from above existing garden, Milkweed Seeds from above garden, and Bluebonnet Seeds from Existing Wildflower Garden.

[image] Pumpkin Garden

Yellow Bells/Columbine seeds Removed from Pods from last year's compost garden

[image] Flowers

Bluebonnet Seeds from Existing Widlflower Garden used for new garden

 [image] bb seeds


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