Project Title: Battery Recycling through Austin Resource Recovery
Battery Recycling with Austin Resource Recovery
Bryker Woods Elementary takes part of the City of Austin's Battery Collection Program which collects single-use and rechargeable batteries for recylcing through Call2Recycle. The Resource and Recovery Team ships over 2000 pounds of batteries per month to Call2Recycle. Our school alone conrtibutes to this number by collecting on average 40 pounds of recycled batteries per school month!
That total comes from over 325 pounds of batteries collected by Austin's Resource and Recovery Team in less than 6 months of the 2015-2016 school year!
Putting hazardous items like batteries into the trash can have negative effects on our environment, since toxic materials could leach into the soil and groundwater. Batteries are made of metals and earth elements that can be recycled and reused.
Bobby Baker with Austin Resource Recovery Battery Recycling Program
Bryker Woods Collection located in the main hallway of campus across from the office
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