Project Title: Balance Balls
Keeping Balanced
The fourth grade math and science class implemented the use of balance balls in place of chairs last year. This year they have been joined by the 2nd grade as well. The purpose of this project is to apply brain-based research and determine if students would benefit from a more natural, comfortable seat that allows for slight movements and better posture.
We found that the balance balls have a myriad of wonderful effects:
- Encouraging proper spine alignment: Because the ball isn't stable, you have to use your body's strength and balance to align yourself.
- Improving Circulation: Using a balance ball keeps blood flowing to all parts of your body throughout the day, especially your brain!
- Increasing Energy Level: Constantly fidgeting and frequent changes in body position provides more energy and focus.
- More enjoyment and focus during seated activities
The results have been so good we're adding at leat one more class next year!
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