Environmental Science
Offered first and third trimester, this course is required for all eighth graders. It is a half-credit course meeting every other day. A Pass/Fail course, the students do not receive a numerical grade which factors into their GPA. Enrollment is limited to current eighth graders.
The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to assess (in a positive way) and make a difference in their environments. Activities vary from quarter to quarter depending on the season. Students are responsible for the completion of teacher-student designed individual projects and teacher developed group projects. One day a week (when at all possible) is set aside for an off-campus environmental adventure around the White Rock Lake area. This year students planted an organic garden, composting, filming 10 second environmental videos for the “Its My Environment” video project for the EPA, participating In the EPA photo project documentary , participating in the White Rock Lake Photo Contest. In addition we have built and will race solar cars, and have built wind turbines to accompany wind energy power points presentations.