Project Title: Wear Your Colors
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Wear Your Colors


[image] Wear Your Colors - Red

Hutsell Elementary participated in a week long activity called “Wear Your Colors” the week of March 7-11, 2011. Each day a different color was showcased to promote healthy eating. Vegetables and fruits of the color of the day were offered as a choice in the cafeteria. A powerpoint ran on the tower, so that students were reminded daily. In addition, teachers used the color of the day as a reminder in health lessons. The students were encouraged to wear the color of the day to provide a visual reminder of healthy choice eating. Before the week began, a letter was sent to all families explaining why we were doing this, and the color order. In addition, examples of fruits and vegetables for each color were listed so that families could also promote healthy eating at home.

Submitted by Laura Shamrock

Chairperson for “Wear Your Colors”

[image] Wear Your Colors - Red      [image] Wear Your Colors -Green      [image] Wear Your Colors -Orange/Yellow

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