Project Title: Home Sweet Greenhouse
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Home Sweet Greenhouse


[image] front of greenhouse

Every school's goal is to enhance and enrich the student's lives with as many diverse opportunities.  Our students have the luxury of an amazing multi-sensory garden, Stonewall Gardens.  The weather does not always cooperate and allow for outdoor explorations.  Students still need a release from their indoor classrooms.  This is when we head to the greenhouse to conduct different investigations.

[image] Mr. Painter, greenhouse, soil

Students collect and categorize soil samples from the ground, compost, or commerical grade.  They plant seeds in the various soils to predict and document which will promote the best growth.

[image] Mr. Painter, greenhouse, transplanting

Mr. Painter gives the students a lesson on taking cuttings from herbs in the garden that require pruning.  The students dip the cuttings into a rooting hormone to stimulate growth.  It is said that you can take a willow tree branch and stir it in water to create a similar solution.  We are curious if this would apply to our Desert Willow tree in the garden?  Besides transplanting many times these cuttings are used for Mother's Day gifts.

[image] greenhouse w/flowers

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