Project Title: You Say Potato, I Say Potahto
You Say Potato, I Say Potahto
A photo journey from harvest to plate:
1. Mr. Painter gives instructions on how to correctly harvest the potatoes without soil erosion.
2. Once the potatoes are removed the plant is taken to the compost pile.
3. It is easy to understand the student's excitment.
4. We think this is a wonderful harvest.
5. Now to the science lab to weigh the potatoes and check our predictions.
6. We always journal our explorations.
7. Next step, eating, but we must wash first.
8. Mrs. Rust gets a little help preparing the potatoes.
9. We need a little something extra? Rosemary from the garden!
10. Volunteers prepare the rosemary.
Conclusion: Yes, we will eat this!
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