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You Say Potato, I Say Potahto


A photo journey from harvest to plate:

1.  Mr. Painter gives instructions on how to correctly harvest the potatoes without soil erosion.

[image] Mr. Painter's instructions, potato

2.  Once the potatoes are removed the plant is taken to the compost pile.

[image] Emily, compost, potato

3.  It is easy to understand the student's excitment.

[image] Amelia's eyes, potato

4.  We think this is a wonderful harvest.

[image] Miles, potatoes

5.  Now to the science lab to weigh the potatoes and check our predictions.

[image] Emma weighing potato

6.  We always journal our explorations.

[image] Emma's journal, potato

7.  Next step, eating, but we must wash first.

[image] Cooper & Andres washing potatoes

8.  Mrs. Rust gets a little help preparing the potatoes.

[image] SJ & Damien, potatoes

9.  We need a little something extra?  Rosemary from the garden!

[image] cutting rosemary for potatoes

10.  Volunteers prepare the rosemary.

[image] Amelia & Imbri, rosemary

Conclusion:  Yes, we will eat this!

[image] Trey eating potatoes

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