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Doss Kinder-Garden


Doss Kinder-Garden


Doss students were excited to welcome fall by planting a fall garden into the newly installed raised beds.  The OWL was carefully designed last school year to meet the diverse needs of our student population complete with a raised bed that accomodates wheel-chair bound students.

The first week of September, Ms. Hill and Ms. Hodges kindergarten classes planted a fall garden at the OWL (Outdoor Wildlife Learning Center).  Both classes prepared for fall planting by building background and vocabulary through shared reading and discussion in the classroom.  Both classes are planning to practice scientific observation skills by documenting garden changes through the fall and winter.  These experiences will prepare students for another springtime garden that will culminate a more formal seed unit later in the school year. 

[image] Kinder-Garden


[image] Water jugs

Seeds are planted, gardens are being nurtured and beautiful homemade water jugs are being crafted thanks to the Rizk girls!  The Kinder classes have planted radishes, spinach, lettuce and broccoli.  The gardens are surrounded by lovely plants to keep the area pretty and relaxing.  See our students, teachers, parents, and principal in action below:

[image] Principal Janna Griffin

Principal Janna Griffin gets in on the action!

[image] Labeling the garden

Carefully preparing the labels for the newly planted rows of seeds.

[image] Parent helps1

We love our parent volunteers!

[image] Planting seeds1

Carefully, and tenderly planted.  What an experience for our kids!

[image] Planting seeds2

Doss Dads lending a helping hand.

[image] Preparing beds

Stirring up the soil...getting hands-on!

[image] Soil help

Working together to get things done!

[image] Watering

Carefully watering in the seeds.

[image] Owl water jug

Ready to maintence our kinder-gardens!

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