Project Title: Recycle Awards
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Matilija Green Team Heads up Recycling


The Matilija Junior High students who spearheaded recycling projects this year learned as much about recycling and managing recycled materials as they did about public outreach and educating others. They worked hard on campus to promote recycling and "catch" students putting recyclables in the correct bins. They also organized a day of a clothing exchange where students brought clothing in they no longer wore and traded with other students. When they found out that the event planners for the city-wide Ojai Day had no plans for recycling, the team stepped in to place recycling bins strategically around the event area, worked in shifts to monitor recycling, and helped collect bins at the end of the event. The students found red T-shirts from another event for which they designed new recycling logos on stickets that they put on the front of the shirts. They spent the day learning how to work as a team and spread the word about the importance of recycling. They provided an essential community service at Ojai Day.

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