Hunting and Trapping
Hunting and Trapping
Hunting and trapping has been part of our culture since the beginning of the Eskimo era. It is one of the keys in life that we’ve been using to survive in Alaska. We use lots of tools to do that. Some of the tools are snares, spears, bow and arrows, harpoons, and knives. Each type of Eskimo has a different way of using them because there are different ways to hunt during the different parts of the seasons. Hunting is such a great experience, requiring your full potential, attention, and knowledge. It’s not just something you can do by yourself. You will need help with where, when, why, and how. It is not an easy task. It is worth learning but you need to use these skills wisely. This is an opportunity and chance to learn how.
The reason why we learned all these things were from our elders, teachers, and our parents, they taught us a great quantity of wisdom from their late elders and teachers. They don’t teach only through words, also, they literally take us out in the wild of Alaska. They show us different ways to use plants from nature and turn them into tools. These things we learn are very influential to our lives. We will need them in the future but it doesn’t mean we can’t start learning them now. There is no limit to learning hunting skills. It makes life easier, better, and simpler. It’s not an easy thing to do though. That is why are elders and those who learned before us are there. They are our teachers. They don’t only teach us through observing what our teachers were showing us or teaching through self-teaching, but, they also teach us through listening to their stories and experiences.
Hunting is very important in our culture. It has been passed on for thousands of years and it is still being passed on today. We have carried these tools in life from generation to generation. Now that we have more technology that relates to our hunting and fishing techniques, it is much easier for us.
An important reason there are villages around Alaska is because of hunting & fishing, for survival through harsh times. It wasn’t easy for the people from the past to make it through life out here. It took all their hard work to survive. It took all the skills they were taught by their elders. The life were living is now taking it easier because we don’t have to build our own belongings, we can just buy them from companies, stores, and more. That is why we respect our elders today. They won’t always be here, but we have their knowledge that has been passed on from their wisdom and teachings. Sharing knowledge, stories, and experiences is how are teachers teaches us, (the one’s to pass on the knowledge and wisdom) through all of Alaska.