Project Title: Healthivores
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White Blood Hero


Story: A white blood cell from the bone marrow village is taken to defeat lukemia. Through a long adventure you will learn about the body and what white blood cells do. In the game you will meet other blood cells and fight lukemia. If you fail Chris the host of the body will get really sick or worse... You must save Chris!

Objective: The objective is to learn about the human body and how white blood cells save the day, but in numbers you will win, with one you shall lose.

Audience: This game and lesson is inteded for all ages (mostly 8-100000 since little kids might not understand what white blood cells do) (and yes I put 100000)

Team Members: Christopher,Levi, and Noah

Health Lesson: White blood cells are cells that break down or get rid of germs to keep them out of your system. They help you, but you have to be active to help them. Like in level 4 "The Escape". in this game you must fight lukemia.Lukemia is a broad term covering a spectrum of diseases.

This picture is showing a white blood cell symbolizing a swat blocker to show what the white blood cell does to a germ....

It stops them!

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