Stayin Alive
Wyatt Elementary Game Makers
The Game Story: This game is about eliminating bad foods like red meat and french fries from your table, and making a diet consist of basket o' energies, or fruits and veggies. Also, make certain you jog a lot and keep your body healthy by destroying fat and swallowed gum.
Objective: The objective of the gum is to stay alive and kill the bad guys - the red meat, french fries and fats and encourages the viewers to stay healthy and have a clean body.
Lesson: You learn that eating healthy and exercsing will promote a better lifestyle. You will have fun learning this! You laern that bad foods can be harmful, while fruits and veggies can keep you healthy.
Audience: Everyone fat or thin; big or small; male or female is the target audience.
Team Member: Nihar Annam