Project Title: Schoolyard Rock Hound
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Schoolyard Rockhound 2nd & 3rd grade


 Title of Lesson:  Be a Rock Hound    Grade level:  2nd – 3rd    Subject Area:  Science

  Materials/Equipment: Assorted rocks, book about rocks, bowls/tubs with water, paintbrushes

 Objective: The student will observe a rock and describe its features.


  • Discuss the role of rocks in nature.
  • Read a book about rocks.
  • Take the students outside to get a rock each (or have a collection of rocks for them to choose from).
  • Have each student observe his/her rock very carefully.  Allow them to share one unique feature about their rock to a friend.
  • Tell students that there are more unique features in their rock that they cannot see.  Explain that water brings out more colors, patterns, shades, etc in rocks.
  • Have each student use a paintbrush to slowly “paint” his/her rock with water. 
  • Have students share with a partner the new features on their rock brought out by the water.


Class participation and feedback during activities

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