Project Title: Fitnessgram
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All students at Fuentes Elementary participated in Fitnessgram. We shared results with each family and will develop a comprehensive fitness plan for 2012-13 using results of our Fitnessgrams.

Through examining our fitnessgram data, we learned that 100% of our 8 year olds achived HFZ. 100% of our 9 year olds in 3rd grade, achieved HFZ. Only 56% of our 9 year olds in 4th grade achieved HFZ. 48% of our 10 year olds achieved HFZ. Finally, 46% of our 11 year olds achieved HFZ. The downward trend tells us that it is time for action especially with our older students.

We will also encourage parents to attend a planned health and wellness night at FES next year and to watch a very important video called Health Needs a Hero, so we can work together to improve student health and well being.


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