Project Title: Staying Healthy Game
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Healthivores Staying Healthy Game!


We decided to create this game to teach kids about healthy eating. We wanted to show that eating healthy can be fun and educational at the same time!

Help the character defeat all the bad guys and win each level! The goal is to eat all the apples, gather all the points, beat the time limit, and reach the goal boxes, all while surviving  and having a great time!

We want our viewers to see that eating healthy foods and exercising is really good for their bodies. Eating right and exercising can help keep the body in shape and allow it to have more energy to do exciting activities in the future. Also, taking care of the body can help students pay better attention in school and earn better grades.

Our intended audience is anyone and everyone! Anyone who wants to learn how to eat right and exercise is more than welcomed to play and enjoy our game.

The people who made this game possible were Chris, Megan, and Mikayla. Theses are all students attending Cardinal Ritter High School. Have fun playing our game! We hope you like it!


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