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Green Magnet Staircase Gardens


Cornerstone: Nature Adventure (Exploration & Play, Outdoor Skills, Nature Spaces)

  1. What is the name of your project - Green Magnet Garden Team
  2. What is the goal/purpose of the project - Maintain a "Staircase Vegetable Garden" and a "Staircase Flower Garden."
  3. Who will be involved in the project - Green Magnet Production Company Students and the Green Team
  4. How will you record the project (video, photos, PowerPoint, etc.) - Photos, Video, Powerpoint
  5. Do you have a budget for your project? How will you attain those finances? - $1200.  The school is providing $800 for the garden and the Green Team will raise $400.00.
  6. What is the starting and ending date of your project? - 9/6/12 - 6/28/12
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