Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassador Checklist
During P.E., students learned the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods. It was agreed though survey that most students were not eating their Go foods as often as they should, so 2-3 "Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassadors" were chosen from each class to take a pledge to be a good role model for their classmates and to be fair and honest when collecting data at lunch and at recess. If students ate their "GO" food of the week they would get a check mark for the day and if they drank their milk, they would get an extra one. At recess, ambassadors were incharge of giving a check mark for vigorous physical activity (sweating, red, out of breath). At the end of the week, checklists were turned in for incentives like pencils, erasers, stickers, and bookmarks. This was a great way for students to keep track and be rewarded for making healthy choices.