Project Title: Herb Garden
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Herb Garden


This spring we planted herbs in several areas of our garden. We prepared one bed and planted sage, basil, thyme and oregano. Students helped to lay cardboard before filling the bed with dirt. We hope the Bermuda grass and weeds will not invade our herb bed. 

[image] preparing


We discussed the information given on the plastic tabs that come with plants from the nurseries. Using the information given, we wanted to make sure that we spaced the plants as directed so they would not interfere with the growth of other plants.

[image] herb 1


We used 5 garbage cans for our mint because it spreads so nicely, and we want to keep it contained. Students enjoyed smelling the spearmint, peppermint, mint candy, pineapple mint and mint grapefruit. Once the mint starts to overflow the top edge of the trash cans, we will start packaging and selling.

[image] herb 6


[image] mint garbage


Around Ms. Southwick's portable, are two large mint plants that have been growing for 3 years.  Students helped to pull mint that needed to be trimmed back. They made sure that they pulled as much of the root as possible so students could take the mint home to plant.  2-3 runners were wrapped in newspaper for each child.


 [image] sharing mint


                                                      WE LOVE MINT!!!!


 [image] class mint









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