Project Title: Trash Brigade
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Trash Brigade


Character Counts:                Responsibility, Respect

Green Ribbon Schools:        Eco-Campus    Recycle/Waste


All Kramer Colts will be responsible for keeping our campus grounds free of litter by participating in the Trash Brigade. We want our students to recognize that if we throw trash in the trash cans available, we won't have so much litter to pick up. Sometimes litter is left from others visiting our playground on weekends. Hopefully, students will think twice before they throw litter on the ground, no matter where they are, and remember to throw trash in the trash can and recyclables in the recycle bins. 


Here is how it works:   Each grade level will be responsible for picking  

                                          up litter on a particular day of the week.


The collection schedule is as follows:

          Monday           5th grade

          Tuesday           4th grade

          Wednesday     3rd grade

          Thursday         Kindergarten and 1st grade

          Friday               PreK and 2nd grade


Litter will be collected as classes:

     *walk to and from the playground and portables

     *walk the perimeter of the school for nature walks and exercise

     *walk in and out of the front and back entrances for classes




                                      Kindergartners on the trash brigade.

[image] trash 2      [image] trash 1



Each class will receive their own litter bag to collect litter. The reusable bags were purchased at Whole Foods for seventy-nine cents.

                                 3rd -5th grade bag                               PreK-2nd grade bag

 [image] 2 bags


[image] 5th   [image] 5th 2

                                 5th graders collecting litter during their recess time.

Teachers will assign 2 students each week to be responsible for collecting the litter as the class moves throughout the campus on their collection day. Only the 2 students assigned should pick up noticeable trash, not tiny pieces of paper. This should not cause a disruption in the class line while walking from place to place. Students are reminded that they should not pick up broken glass or unsavory items. At the end of the day, the litter bag will be emptied in available trash cans, and the litter bag will be kept in the classroom for the next week's litter collection day.


[image] trash

                                              Some days we find a lot of litter.


The 2 students that served on the litter brigade for the day will receive a CATCH MVP slip for the monthly drawing.

 [image] slip


Each grade level will have a particular color for the CATCH MVP slip, so we can make sure to draw 3 winners per grade level and spread the joy!


CATCH MVP slips:

PreK                       white

Kindergarten        orange                                          3rd          yellow

1st                           violet                                            4th           blue

2nd                         pink                                              5th           green

 [image] slips 2


We want to teach our students to be responsible and respect our environment.

[image] te 



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