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The Great Gardeners


The Great Gardeners/Natural Classroom Cornerstone-

What is the goal/purpose of the project?

We want to harvest food from our garden and incorporate this food in our cafeteria menu. We continue to work with our Garden Club and cafeteria to bridge this goal. We continue to collect food for our earthworms in the garden and learn all about cultivating food. We want to work with eco-campus and make a video of the "story of our  trash" to explain the importance of sorting our trash at snack and lunch. We want to create seating areas throughout campus to include nature curriculum with thematic gardens and sustainability plants.

Who will be involved in the project?

Student leadership members Zoe, Abigail, Emma, Chelsea, and Alicia will make sure the goals are accomplished. Meiners Oaks students, staff, and parents. David White who leads the garden club and is representing Food for Thought. Cafeteria and Nutritional Services.

How will you record the project?

We will video and take photos

Do you have a budget for your project? How will you attain those finances?

We will sell hot chocolate, citrus snow cones, and possibly sell worm casings.

What is the starting and ending date of your project?

November 2013-June 2014


Open the Door for Eco-Campus Cornerstone-

What is the goal/purpose of the project? Recylce/Waste, Green Spaces

To make sure our school is eco-friendly. Create awareness of trash sorting and empower students to categorize their trash. Continue our association with Agro-Min which composts all of our wet waste from snack and lunch. Follow through on past daily environmental school focus: Monday-use less electricity, Tuesday- bring a waste-free lunch, Wednesday-ride or walk to school, Thursday-whole school trash pick-up, Friday-chose one of the four. Design and build a roof for our bike rack. Create green learning spaces with gardens, bird houses, mosaic benches, barrel planters, and vine fences.

Who will be involved in the project?

Our student leadership team of Naomi, Clarissa, and Eden will lead the school in accomplishing the goals. Teachers, students, parents and community members in Meiners Oaks.

How will you record the project?

The project will be recorded with pictures, video, and powerpoint.

How will you attain finances for the project?

Student Leadership will sell hot chocolate, and citrus snow cones to partially fund project. PTA will assist with some of the costs. Student leadership will organize a presentation for needed funds to the PTA.

What is  the starting and ending date of your project?

November 2013-June 2014


 Fitness Builders/Health and Fitness Cornerstone-


What is the goal/purpose of the project?

Our goal in this cornerstone is to create a fitness and physical education outdoor environment at our campus. To create a fitness circut and improve our existing equipment. Obtain new nets for our soccer and basketball areas. We would like to replace our field with an astro turf. We currently have a field right next to the land conservancy and our area is overtaken with habitats for squirrels and gophers. We have tennis and volleyball areas and want to add to our choices at recess. We have also built a gaga ball court and it continues to be a popular activity at recess. We would also like to create blacktop learning areas with a calculator, sundial, and maps painted for students to interact with. This group wants to take CPR training and have all of student leaderhip be certified.

Who will be involved in the project?

Carson, Chase, Koby, Fernando, and Ryan are the student leadership members. We will also involve the Meiners Oaks Community, and local businesses.

How will you record the project?

We will take photos and video.

Do you have a budget for your project? How will you attain those finiances?

We will involve the community to raise funds for our project. Many of the local restaurants offer events for our school and families on special nights to eat out and raise money for Meiners Oaks.The team will recycle cans and plastic bottles at school to partially fund projects.

What is the starting date and ending date of your project?

November 2013-June 2014


Meadow Adventurers/Nature Adventure Cornerstone-


What is the goal/purpose of your project?

 To continue our relationship with the Ojai Land Conservancy to help protect, and learn about our 88 acre neighbor. To continue to hike with cross-age peers during PE and use our bird watching kits. To enhance learning about ecosystems and habitats by adding to our kits gps devices, more binoculars, animal print molds, senses activity, and scavenger hunt. We want to contact the high school ceramics department to make bird houses, and butterfly feeders. One class will create a partnership with the high school environmental studies class with outdoor partner assignments in the meadows. We want to involve the whole Meiners Oaks School with lawn chair reading in the meadows. This would create one more level of learning in this natural setting. Finally, we will make stepping stones throughout campus and try to involve all students in creating their own stone.

Who will be involved in the project?

 Student Leadership members Abby S., Gabi, Taylor, and Melissa. Meiners Oaks students, staff, and parents. We will also form a partnership with Ojai Land Conservancy, and Nordhoff High School Ceramics Department.

 How will you record the project?

 We will video and take photos. We will also publish a book on our meadow experiences.

 Do you have a budget for your project? How will you attain those finances?

 We will sell hot chocolate, and citrus snow cones.

 What is the starting and ending date of your project?

 November 2013-June 2014


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