Project Title: Wonderful Worms
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Wonderful Worms


In April 2014, The Giving Tree Class at Temple Emanuel in Dallas, TX attended a class in the Living Science room.  The class began with Heidi reading the book Wonderful Worms by Linda Glaser.  

[image] book


Following the story, Heidi broke the children up into small groups.  Each group was given a metal pan with soil in it.  In addition to soil, the pan included worms of various sizes.  

[image] group[image] ethan

The children used their fingers to carefully move the dirt around until they found a worm.  They watched as the worms moved through the soil by "stretching and squeezing".  Once a worm was found, they had an opportunity to hold the worm.  

[image] jude[image] arm

Once the worms were removed from the soil, a classroom teacher put them on a white piece of paper for the children to better observe them.  The excitement in their voices was evident.  The children were quick to observe them; "it looks like an S", "there are 2" and  "it looks like a seahorse".

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