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Red Ribbon Drug Free Walk


Durring Red Ribbon Week the gym teacher and counselor cordinated a walk durring the students PE time.  They set up ten  stations along the 1/2 mile walk where the aide and additional 5 volunteers read an important drug fact.  

1.  There are two kinds of drugs:  prescription drugs and illegal drugs.  Prescription drugs are prescribed for you by your doctor to help you get well.  Illegal drugs are against the law because they are very harmful.

2.  Nicotine is the addictive substance in all tobacco but cigarettes contain over 1000 harmful chemicals and about 400 of them are poisonous; some of them are arsenic(rat poison, butane used in lighter fluid), and tar (used on highways & roofs).

3.  Smoking has been banned in public buildings & restaurants in most of the Dallas area.

4.  In 2010 an estimated 24,500 adult Texans died as a result of smoking.

5.  Marijuana is the dried leaves, stems and flowers of the hemp plant.  I slows doen the brain, memory, learning, causes lung problems and it is against the law in most states.

6.  A person who is arrested for having even a small amunt of marijuana can be fined at least $1,000 and sentenced to jail for up to one year.

7.  Alcohol abuse can case heart disease, liver damage and cancer of the throat & mouth.

8.About 80,000 people die each year in the U.S. as a result of alcohol abuse.

9.  It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase or drink alcohol.

10.  Kids and teens who use drugs can cause disrupted brain development and learning & memory problems.  



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