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Teacher to Teacher Training


The REAL School Garden grant we received last year, 2013-2014, is a three year partnership.

Over the course of the three year partnership REAL School Gardens commits to the following:

* a full day on-site Professional Development after the garden is installed

* a minimum of three full day, on-site Teacher-to-Teacher model training visits  

   during year two, and again during year three of the partnership

* a full day Professional Development with our cohort of schools in the

   third year of the partnership


The full day on-site Professional Development was held on November 10th.

Four other area schools joined our staff on that day to see how we can use the garden to teach many TEKS objectives in all subject areas. 

[image] rsg 10


[image] rsg 11



[image] rsg 121



The day started in the satellite cafeteria with music and sharing our experiences and connection with nature.

[image] rsg 9

[image] rsg 8


Then it was out to the garden for math, science, writing and reading lessons. Teachers became students!

[image] rsf 7


[image] rsg 5

[image] rsg 2

[image] rsg 6

Teachers enjoyed learning all the possible ways that they can use the garden to teach students a myriad of objectives in all subject areas.


The first and second full day teacher-to-teacher trainings were held on

Dec. 3rd and 10th.  Ellen Robinson, REAL School Garden program director, met with a teacher and class from each grade level each day.  Ellen taught the classes for the teachers on the two days using a lesson plan from the REAL School Garden website.

 [image] sche


[image] tttt1

2nd graders from Ms. Ruiz's class used the thermometers to observe the temperature of the air, soil and water.



5th graders from Mr. Bodden's class used the earth science station to create models of canyons, deltas and sand dunes. They attempted to create those landforms using the forces of wind and water. A delta is a hard concept to understand until you see the sand deposited at the bottom of your "mountain".

[image] yyyyy



Ellen will meet with a new group of teachers in the spring semester and teach their classes on two different days. Teachers will pick the subjects and objectives for the lessons based on what is being covered at the time.


Our garden is providing a wonderful area for learning!



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